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  4. KYLETUNEDIT TCU Flash Software


KYLETUNEDIT TCU Flash Version 1.1


Installation Instructions:

Download the software from the link above.

Right click the ZIP file that was downloaded and select “Extract All”

Click “Extract”. It will open the folder showing the extracted files after complete.

Right click the “CP210x_VCP_Windows.zip” file and extract that one as well. It will open a new window with the contents after complete.

Double click the “CP210x_VCP_Windows” folder.

Double click the “CP201xVCPInstaller_x64.exe” installer. (Most systems are 64 bit, if you are on a very old computer, you may need to use the “_x86” one)

Click “Next”

Click “I accept” and then “Next”

Click “Finish”

Now go back to the first folder that was extracted and double click the “ndp481-web.exe” installer file.

The installer will either install the .NET Framework, or it will show you that it is already installed. Finish it and click “Close”

Now you can run the “KYLETUNEDIT TCU” program. The login/password will be sent to you in an e-mail. Make sure the USB to OBD2 cable is plugged into the laptop and the car while using the flashing software.